Sunday, March 8, 2009


So I sat here awhile debating what my next blog should be. I thought about writing about this for awhile but never followed through with it. But I promised myself I would write everything I was feeling no matter what. For awhile now I have had this mentality of “Why me...I don’t understand...I am a good person”!! I sit and watch my friends with their perfect lives and their perfect boyfriends and just don’t get it. I have continued to be hurt over and over and over by guys when I bend over backwards for them. I have been cheated on, lied to, and broken up with all the time when I do nothing but go to the end of the world for them. But the other day I finally realized…I am the lucky one. Even though I have been hurt over and over it has made me the strongest person I could ever become. It has made me realize that I do have AMAZING friends and family who are there to support me no matter what and I am TRULY blessed. I have made some great friends who are going through the same problems and it is great to let go and share our feelings together. It brings an unbreakable bond I have never experienced. It makes me be very open to help people along the way. I have had a lot of people come to me for advice because of my situations. That to me is the best feeling in the world. I love sharing my thoughts and feelings and letting them know they aren’t alone. I have also made one of the best relationships through my struggles and that is with God. I have become so immersed in my faith and it has gotten me through every hard day I have had. So next time you have that “why me” moment please remember you ALWAYS have a great family and friends out there and you will find someone who is worth the wait and all this hurt….and you are in REALLY GOOD HANDS.

1 comment:

  1. Mell...I have gone through this feeling so many time and came to the same conclusion...we are NEVER alone, and you are right, we are in the BEST hands ever. God is great, and everything happens for a reason....keep fighting, Love you so so much :)
