Tuesday, November 3, 2009

All About Your Horoscope


by Judi Vitale

Your Best Color: Pale violet
Your Sign Sister: Drew Barrymore

You're sweet and gentle, so people might mistake your kindness for cluelessness; but that's so way off! Your mind embraces the entire cosmos, and you can absorb information just by being in the same room with it. That's probably why so many of your friends say that your psychic abilities spook them out. Your sensitivity and your ability to pick things up without even knowing it makes you good at all the arts, especially poetry and music.

Your strength: You love to help people, so working as a nurse or teacher might be right for you. As you get older and more confident, you'll make a fantastic manager, because you'll know what your workers need before they even start complaining. You might also have a career as a writer, a painter, sculptor, or musician.

Your relationships: In relationships, it's important that you don't lose yourself to the other person. You need friends who appreciate your sensitivity, but who won't take advantage of your giving nature. It's also healthy for you to have someone who brings you back down to earth. You stand a better chance of avoiding pain if you vow to take romantic relationships step by step. Be strong, go slow and keep your heart wide open to universal love!

Wow. This could not get anymore creepier how close this resembles me.

You can read yours here. http://www.seventeen.com/fun-stuff/horoscopes/

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