Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Some Steps On How To Deal With Unrequited Love

Alright, so most if all of us have been in an unrequited love relationship. It can be a heartbreaking experience. So here are some steps to try to move past the pain.

Step 1: You have to accept the fact that he/she doesn't feel the same way about you. You will never move on if you continue to believe there is a chance they will eventually love you.

Step 2: You need to understand why they don't feel the same way about you. You will be able to move past the situation if you understand the reasons for the unrequited love.

Step 3: Spend more time with family and friends. Surround yourself with people who love and care about you.

Step 4: Keep very very busy. Throw yourself into work or hobbies.

Step 5: Always take time to remind yourself of your good qualities. Start writting in a journal. Write down things you love about yourself and what you truly deserve from someone.

Step 6: Go out on dates. I know it is really hard at first so this may take time. The worst that can happen is you meet someone and just become friends. You never know, you might meet someone who really likes you and can give you the world.

Step 7: If you have been broken up with before. Think back to how you overcame that pain. If you overcame it once, you can do it again.

Step 8: After a couple weeks, stop yourself from indulging conversations about them. Your pain will eventually fade.

Step 9: Always take time to ask yourself "Why would I want to be with anyone who doesn't love me back?" You deserve much better than that. Someone out there is waiting to find you and will give you exactly what you deserve.

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